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类型:原创来源:化学与教学资源研究所作者/推荐人:admin点击量:816836时间:2011年6月14日 16:22:28





远程化学实验[1],是指在Internet上通过客户端的计算机远程控制另外地点化学实验室的自动化真实仪器,这些仪器测量的真实客观的实验数据以及实验现场实时视频图像通过摄像头反馈到客户端的计算机显示屏上,这样在异地完成真实的化学实验。本研究将建设为面向化学高师生中学师生的网络实验平台——“520远程化学实验室”(520 Chemlab),并开发出以电化学为基础的一系列远程实验案例,同时建立远程实验方式,并进行初步的教学实践。

第一部分对课题的研究背景、研究意义和研究目的进行阐述,从而明确本研究的思路及研究方法,进而提出本研究的课题——本研究着眼于构建面向化学高师生中学师生“520 Chemlab”,并尝试在教学实践中应用,旨在通过技术整合促进教育教育资源有效配置,不仅使远程实验面向大学本科生,还使远程实验面向中学师生成为可能,使其不再只是大学生或大学生以上的权利。

第二部分是综述了本课题研究的理论基础和实践基础。理论基础主要综述了远程实验室的构建理论及其教学理论。实践基础包括2个方面:(1)国内外远程实验室的构建研究进展,得出国外研究比国内的要早,国内的研究仍处于起步阶段。大部分远程实验的的构建特点是,即使在国外远程实验大多是集中在物理控制类的实验,多为采用B/S模式的非实时实验,面向中学生的远程实验教学则更为罕见。(2)国内外远程实验室的实验教学研究现状,得出国内外对远程实验室的研究主要集中在物理类远程实验室的构建,而很少会涉及到远程实验方式的研究以及面向中学师生开发应用。因而本研究希望构建“520远程化学实验室”(520 Chemlab)可以面向化学高师生中学师生使用,开发多维度的典型的远程实验案例,并结合远程实验方式开展研究。

第三部分是需求分析,分别面向化学高师生建设本科特色化学实验室的需求分析和面向中学师生建设中学创新化学实验室的需求分析。(1)通过面向2005级的化学师范专业的大四本科生开展调研,收集他们对“520 Chemlab”的构建建议,以及收集他们对开放本科特色化学实验室——“520 Chemlab”的意愿与态度、必要性、可行性和价值意义;(2)通过编写在职教师调查问卷(随机选取202010年广东省在职化学教育硕士进行调查)、和中学生调查问卷(随机选取广州市5所中学的高中学生100名进行网上问卷调查),分别收集他们对“520 Chemlab”的构建建议,以及收集他们对开放中学创新化学实验室——“520 Chemlab”的意愿与态度、必要性、可行性和价值意义;

第四部分是“520 Chemlab”的构建,包括以下三方面:

第一方面为硬件方面的构建,包括(1)扩展自动化控制装置,为开发出更多的远程实验操作提供可能;(2)开发换液转动台装置,为实现远程自由换液成为可能;(3)定制非标化学容器缸,为换液转动台的正常运行提供了保证;(4)增设自动化搅拌器,为远程自动搅拌溶液成为可能,也为测量准确的定量化数据提供了保证;(5)安装自动化开关照明灯,为实验者晚上登录远程化学实验室做实验提供明亮的光源,也避免了每天24小时开着实验室大灯的浪费;(6)嵌入自动化八档转化电源,为开发需要电能的远程实验提供可能,多档转化的电源也实现了实验者可自由选择不同大小的电源进行实验探究;(7)增加数据采集装置,实现了采集多种定量化的实验数据,并使“520 Chemlab”数字化的特点更加鲜明。

第二方面为软件方面的开发,主要体现在“520 Chemlab”的操作界面上的开发,增设至3个实验操作界面,分别为原电池操作界面、电解池操作界面、和电镀池操作界面,每个操作界面可用“4来概括,可分别切换到不同的功能选择。操作界面的“4分别是菜单区、实验区、换液区和视频区。远程实验操作界面的新增开发,使中学电化学的实验更完整,几乎囊括了中学电化学的典型实验;远程操作界面设计为“4分布,为了使界面更清晰明了,更具亲和性,为实验者营造真实实验室的氛围,也使实验者在最短的时间内即熟悉操作界面的功能,从而提高远程做实验的效率。


第三方面为网络方面的畅通,主要是经过对化学高师生中学师生的调查,结果显示96%以上的被试都希望“520 Chemlab”可以在非华师校园网使用。“520 Chemlab”非华师校园网的初步开通,为“520 Chemlab”面向中学师生进行使用实践提供了可能,也为“520 Chemlab”走出华南师大校园,走向全国乃至走向世界提供了可能。

硬件的构建为开发更多的远程实验成为可能,同时也使开发出的远程实验更具科学性、严谨性和可重复性;软件的开发,使远程操作界面更清晰性、亲切性,也使电化学实验更具完整性,实验操作更高效性;网络的畅通,实现更多的人使用“520 Chemlab”,也为其进一步推广提供了保证。

第五部分是“520 Chemlab”的案例开发及其实验方式的建立。经过对2000—2009年广东高考真题电化学知识的分析,得出电化学知识在高考中的重要性;同时根据远程化学实验开发的原则,主要开发了以原电池电解池电镀池为基础而延伸的实验案例,以拓展完善中学电化学重点内容的典型实验。目前“520 Chemlab”可运行的远程实验案例包括(1)化学学科远程实验案例,包括电解池原理远程探究实验;电镀池原理远程探究实验;不同电解质溶液电解前后pH的变化远程探究实验;原电池原理及形成条件远程探究实验;金属活动性对原电池电压大小影响远程探究实验;电解液浓度对原电池电压的影响远程探究实验;电解质溶液导电性的本质远程探究实验。其中①②⑦远程实验案例偏向概念的突破,为突破电化学教学重点难点基本概念而开设的实验案例;③④⑤⑥远程实验案为侧重培养学生探究能力、发散思维和远程实验探究能力而开设的实验案例。(2)跨学科远程实验案例,主要是验证欧姆定律远程实验案例,培养学生跨学科发散思维。(3)趣味型远程实验案例,主要是原电池点亮LED灯趣味实验,使远程实验更具趣味性,使其使用面向对象还可拓宽至面向小学生,使小学生从小培养对化学实验的兴趣。



第六部分为“520 Chemlab”的应用研究。通过《中学化学实验教学与研究》这一门课的开设,将“520 Chemlab”2008级化学师范专业的大三本科生引进应用,在远程实验室共完成了3个实验案例,得出面向高师生的本科特色化学实验室有助于提高师范生远程探究式的实验创新能力、实验教学能力,运用网络资源进行实验教学的能力等。面向中学师生的初步应用,只要是根据自愿的原则随机选取广州市的3位化学在职教师,采用教师指导远程实验方式,进行远程化学实验室使用实践;根据自愿的原则随机选取广雅中学的4为学生,采用学生自主探索远程实验方式,进行远程化学实验室使用实践。此环节在远程实验室共完成了4个实验案例,并通过问卷和访谈的调查方法,了解他们的使用意愿和使用感觉,收集远程化学实验的使用效果。调查显示,“520远程化学实验室对于三维目标的实现有很大的促进作用,可达到巩固知识与技能目标,渗透过程与方法目标,深化情感态度与价值观目标。

第七部分为研究结论,本研究结论包括:(1)成功构建“520 Chemlab”,建设面向化学高师生的本科特色化学实验室和面向中学师生的中学创新化学实验室;(2)丰富开发“520 Chemlab”案例并建立“520 Chemlab”实验方式;(3)初步应用远程实验方式,面向化学高师生中学师生进行远程化学实验室使用实践。

本研究建设面向化学高师生中学师生网络真实实验平台——“520 Chemlab”,并开发出一系列的远程实验案例,同时建立远程实验方式,在查阅的国内文献中尚未见报道,即使是国外,类似的研究文献也是屈指可数的。所以,本研究对国内远程实验室的建设及其可持续发展具有重要的实践指导价值。





——The network platform for real experiment used by “Chemical pre-service teachers” and “Middle School teachers and students”



Remote Chemistry Laboratory (RCL) is a laboratory that the users can do the experiment by controlling the experiment system though the client computer and the application.The true and accurate experimental datas and real experimental video images can be measured and be sent back to the client's computer by the camera on the internet.This study construct the 520 Remote Chemistry Laboratory(“520 Chemlab”) that can be used by “Chemical pre-service teachers” and “Middle School teachers and students”.A series of Remote Chemistry Experiments are  developed based on “Electrochemical Experiments”and it is tried to be applied in chemistry experiment teaching.

 The first part introduces the research background, research purposes, research significance, research idea and method, and also defined the relevant concepts.Under the trend of integration of information technology and chemistry curriculum, the study focus on the construction of the“520 Chemlab”and its applying in chemistry experiment teaching.The study aims at promoting the effective allocation of educational resources by technologies integration so that “520 Chemlab” can be used not only by “Chemical pre-service teachers” ,but also by “Middle School teachers and students”.

      The second part focuses on the theoretical and practical research on this study.The theoretical research on  construction theory and teaching theory of the “520 Chemlab”..The practical research on the situation of construction and application of Remote Laboratory at home and aboard..By reviewing the journals and proceedings articles, we find that foreign Remote Laboratory researches are more various than China.Most Remote Chemistry experiments are non-real-time Physics Control experiments by B/S mode,which are used only by Undergraduate and graduate students.

    The third part  are needs analysis of not only “Chemical pre-service teachers” for Undergraduate Chemistry Unique Laboratory,but also “Middle School teachers and students” for Chemistry Innovation Lab.100 “Chemical pre-service teachers” are chosen as testees. during the test , their suggestions for the construction of the “520 Chemlab” and open to the Undergraduate Chemistry Unique Laboratory  must be Gathered.In addition, 20 Master of Chemistry Education services from Guangdong Province in 2010 are chosen as testees. during the test , their suggestions for the construction of the “520 Chemlab” and open to Chemistry Innovation Lab.

The fourth  part focuses on the construction of the “520 Chemlab”.In the first place,Hardware must be constructed that includes 7 parts: (1) Extended automation control device; (2)Development of rotating installations for liquid;(3)Custom non-standard chemical containers;(4)Add automatic mixer;(5)Install automatic light switches;(6)Install automatic power of eight stalls;(7)Extended Data acquisition device.in the  second place,  software development are Mainly in Human-Computer Interface .Three Human-Computer Interfaces,which Include the  high school electrochemical typical experiments. are Increased that are “Primary cells Interfaces”,”Electrolytic cells Interfaces” and “Electroplating tank Interfaces”.Each Interfaces Include four regional such as Menu area,Experimental area,Area for fluid and Video Zone. The four regional Make the interface more clear and improve the

efficiency of the remote experiment.Finally,Flowing network is that “520 Chemlab” can be used on the Non-campus network by more and more people.

The fifth part designs a remote chemistry experiment case.According to Guangdong entrance theme "electrochemical"knowledge form 2000-2010 and the experiment case designing principles, three kinds of chemistry experiment cases based on "primary cell","electrolytic cell" and "plating tank" were developed,which are Chemistry Cases,Physics case and Interesting type of case.Chemistry Cases include (1)"Principle of electrolytic cell"experiment;(2)"Principles of Electroplating pool"experiment;(3)"The pH change of different electrolyte solutions before and after electrolysis";(4) Inquiry of formation conditions of primary cells;(5)How activity of metal influence electromotive force of primary cells;(6)How Electrolyte concentration influence electromotive force of primary cells;(7)Explore the nature of conductivity of electrolyte solution.The Chemistry Cases of ①②⑦ are helpful for Breakthrough "electrochemical"teaching the basic concepts of key and difficult,while he Chemistry Cases of ③④⑤⑥ are helpful for ability development. In addition,Two Remote experiment modes were set up,which are Teachers guideing modes and student independent learning modes.

 The sixth part focuses on the application of Remote Chemistry Laboratory by “Chemical pre-service teachers” and“Middle School teachers and students”.Firstly,it is introduced to 12 students from South China Normal University Chemistry education department (pre-service teachers) are chosen as testees by student independent learning modes,During the test , three chemistry experiment cases were used.The result shows that using “520 Chemlab” help to improve their experimental innovation of inquiry, experimental teaching ability and  experiment teaching with network resources.Secondly,3 high school chemistry teachers are interviewed to use“520 Chemlab” by Teachers guideing modes,and 4 middle school students from Guangzhou are chosen as testees.During the interview and test, four chemistry experiment cases were used.The result shows that using “520 Chemlab” help to Consolidate the knowledge and skills objectives,Target penetration process and method and Deepen the emotional attitudes and values objectives.


The seventh part makes the conclusion that: (1)“520 Chemlab” are built successfully, and can be used by“Chemical pre-servic  teachers” for Undergraduate Chemistry Unique Laboratory,but also by “Middle School teachers and students” for Chemistry Innovation Lab.(2)remote chemistry experiment cases were designsed and Two Remote experiment modes were set up,which are Teachers guideing modes and student independent learning modes.(3)“520 Chemlab” is introduced to “Chemical pre-service teachers”and“Middle School teachers and students” let them experience teaching and use  the remote experiment cases. Most of Teachers and students have high satisfaction to Remote Chemistry Laboratory after using it.

This study construct the “520 Chemlab” and.a series of Remote Chemistry Experiment cases are  developed based on “Electrochemical Experiments”and the cases are used by  “Chemical pre-service teachers”and“Middle School teachers and students” byTeachers guideing modes or student independent learning modes.Such study has not been reported in the domestic literatures. Even in foreign literatures there are few such cases. Therefore, it is valuable for the future study.

KEY WORDS520 remote chemistry laboratory520chemlab; Hand-held technology; Network platform for real experiment; Remote Chemistry Experiment caseRemote Chemistry Experiment mode