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类型:原创来源:化学与教学资源研究所作者/推荐人:admin点击量:816875时间:2011年6月14日 13:43:19




摘 要




第三部分是手持技术化学实验的开发。设计了4个手持技术实验案例,分别是:1) 测定甲基橙的电离常数Ka2) 探讨强弱电解质的电离概念3) 探究双沉淀离子反应的过程;4) 探究蔬菜大棚中温度和光照强度的变化。这4个实验可以用于常规课堂教学、课外实验活动或者研究性学习活动等,能满足从小学到高中各阶段学生的需要;在实验设计上大多需要多个传感器联合使用,较以往仅使用单个传感器的实验有所突破。


第五部分是结果和讨论:(1) 设计并开发了四个新型的手持技术化学实验,可用于电离平衡,离子反应的教学,相对以往的实验有所突破;(2) 案例一能帮助学生认识到甲基橙电离的动态过程,促进对电离常数的理解。此外对学生的数据分析能力和计算能力的提高也有帮助。最后提出了今后进一步研究的方向:深入研究手持技术对学生化学概念学习的认知情况的影响、进行大范围、长时间的手持技术实验教学研究。





Handheld technology is a system of experiment technology which is composed of data-logger, sensors, supporting software, and can be connected to computers. It was introduced into China in 1990s and now is used in science (chemistry) teaching. The study explores how to design the useful experiments and the approaches to use the technology in chemistry teaching, in which four cases based-on handheld technology are developed and one is applied in experiment teaching.

The first part introduces the research background, purposes, significance and method. Two points are mainly investigated in the study: how to teach the complicated conceptions (such as ionization equilibrium, ionic reaction) using handheld technology and what effect can it make on students?

In the second part, an overview of developments in the researches on handheld technology is made to discuss the history of the application into chemistry (science) teaching. We find that in the domestic researches, the experiment designs are generally simple and the chemical principles behind data aren’t deeply explored. There is a lack of the cases which need quantitative determination and can be used in production practice. According to these shortages, new cases of improvement are respectively designed.

In the third part, four cases using handheld technology are developed. These cases which are 1) determining the ionization constant of methyl orange; 2) inquiry into ionization of strong and weak electrolyte; 3) exploring the process of the ionic reaction with two sediments; 4) inquiry into temperature and light intensity in the greenhouse cover a range from preliminary school to high school. Three cases need a combination of multiple sensors, which is different from former cases using one sensor.

The fourth part carries out the application of cases using handheld technology in chemistry experiment teaching. In both undergraduates and middle school students “determining the ionization constant of methyl orange” is carried out and a questionnaire survey is done to find out whether it helps the conceptual understanding and to investigate their attitude and suggestions to handheld technology. The results show that students can recognize the dynamic process of ionization through the color change of the methyl orange relating to pH and understand why the ionization constant keeps stable by data analysis.

The fifth part makes the conclusion that: (1) four new cases using handheld technology are developed and can be used in ionization equilibrium, ionic reaction teaching; (2) case 1 can help the students recognize the dynamic process of methyl orangeionization, promoting the understanding of ionization constant. Furthermore it helps to improve the students’ ability of data analysis and calculating. Finally, future researches are advised: to study how does the handheld technology influence students’ cognition in learning chemistry; to make the researches in a condition of more time and wider range.

KEY WORDSHandheld technology, Chemistry experiment, Ionization constant, Experiment teaching