类型:原创 | 来源:化学与教学资源研究所 | 作者/推荐人:admin | 点击量:816846 | 时间:2011年6月14日 13:40:19 |
研究所2011届硕士毕业论文摘要 ◎ 2011届硕士毕业生邓璐 题目:“高考化学非智力因素测练”系统的开发与应用研究 学生的学习活动由智力因素和非智力因素共同组成,非智力因素对智力因素的发展起着推动、维持、强化、引导和调节的作用。本文首次提出“化学非智力因素”的概念,包括粗心、审题、情感、态度、化学用语的书写、文字表达以及化学作图与曲线表征七个方面。本研究自主开发一个以培养学生非智力因素,提高化学高考成绩为目的的,适合于高三学生的在线测试与交流平台——“高考化学非智力因素测练”系统,并建立配套的试题库,最后进行网站的初步实践应用研究。 本文主要包含六大部分,涉及六个研究的内容。 第一部分对课题的研究背景、研究目的、研究意义、研究思路及方法进行阐述,并对相关概念进行界定。在信息技术与化学课程整合的趋势下,为了让学生的智力与非智力水平同步发展,本研究着眼于构建一个在线测试与评价系统,并尝试在高考生中推广应用,旨在通过化学非智力因素的培养,减少学生考试中的不必要失分,从而提高学业成绩。 第二部分包括国内外的研究综述以及本系统的构建与教学指导理论。综述国内外“非智力因素”及其在教育中的应用研究现状,结果显示:(1)研究内容主要为抽象的心理因素;(2)较少研究基础学科的非智力因素;(3)过去的研究“重理论,轻实践;重定性,轻定量”。其次,综述国内外“在线测试”系统的构建及其应用情况,结果显示:(1)学习方式缺乏个性;(2)较少针对化学学科的在线测试系统;(3)没有针对非智力水平进行训练的测试平台;(4)缺乏主观题的测试内容;(5)过程性的评价较少;(6)测试结果过于简单。 第三部分为理科生化学非智力因素现状调查。 研究1:采用纸笔测试法,研究不同类型理科生,如高三理科生、高三智优理科生、职前教师的化学非智力因素缺失现状。研究发现:学生的非智力缺失包括求快心理、字迹凌乱、审题不精、答非所问、思维定势、考虑不全、推理不严 谨、语义含糊等,其中以化学实验操作的文字表达题、作图题以及有机化学用语书写题的失误率最高。 第四部分是本系统以及配套试题库的设计与构建。 研究2:利用访谈法调查高三化学教师和高三理科生对“高考化学非智力因素测练网”功能的需求,结合调查结果及已具备的网站资源,确定网站的基本功能包括测试功能、训练功能和交流功能,分别对应“在线测试”、“训练营”和“BBS”模块。其次,具体介绍网站的界面、核心功能、个人功能、后台管理的建设。最后从试题的来源、筛选原则、分类标准以及试题与试卷类型4个方面设计网站的试题库资源,基本完成系统的软件建设和资源开发。 第五部分是本系统在中学师生中的应用与评价以及网站学习效果的研究。 研究3:利用问卷法调查中学化学教师在试用网站后的情感态度和建议,研究发现:大部分教师对网站十分感兴趣,并给予了一致的认可和好评,认为网站是有价值的教学工具之一。 研究4和研究5分别利用问卷法,调查中学生对网站使用前后的情感态度和建议,包括学生的上网习惯、学习习惯、对网站的需求和使用意愿,以及在试用网站后对网站的使用态度、页面设计、功能设置、学习效果等方面的评价,并分析不同类型学校、不同年级、不同性别、不同化学成绩、对化学学科兴趣程度不同学生之间结果的差异。研究发现:(1)高三学生的上网时间和条件有限。(2)大多数学生并没有养成良好的化学学习态度和习惯。(3)学生普遍反映无法找到提高非智力水平的途径。(4)超过九成学生表示对网站很感兴趣,并愿意使用网站。(5)学生对“错题集”和“训练营”的关注度较高。(6)绝大多数学生在试用网站后肯定其对他们化学非智力因素以及学业成绩提高的辅助作用。(7)部分学生认为网站答题效率较低,并期望能提供更多类型的测试内容。 研究6:采用准实验研究法,选取广州某重点中学高三理科班30名学生进行为期一个月的网站学习效果研究,并在研究后期随机抽取6名学生作为访谈对象,进一步了解网站的使用情况。研究发现:(1)网站能有效诊断出学生化学考试中的智力与非智力缺失。(2)学生的成绩提高幅度从大到小依次为作图/曲线题、计算/计量题、化学用语题、文字表达题。(3)学生的非智力失误改善程度从大到小依次为态度、化学作图/曲线表征、审题、情感、化学用语的书写、粗心、文字表达。其次,采用对比研究法,选择高三理科班60名被试分为两个平行组——实验组和控制组,比较网站的“在线测试与评价”功能与传统纸笔测试 对学生化学非智力因素的培养程度以及学业成绩影响的差异,结果发现:实验组比控制组学生所取得的学习效果要好。 第六部分是研究结论:(1)成功建设“高考化学非智力因素测练”系统及配套试题库,并将申请软件授权。(2)“高考化学非智力因素测练”系统获得绝大多数中学师生的肯定。(3)“高考化学非智力因素测练” 系统能有效培养学生的化学非智力因素,提高考试成绩,而且比传统纸笔测试的学习效果好。(4)探讨本研究的创新点、不足与展望。 本研究首次把非智力因素的培养、在线测试系统的应用以及和化学学科特点有机结合,以培养学生的化学非智力因素以及知识点补漏为主,学习交流与资源共享为辅,为学生学习和教师教学提供一种新方式。学生通过在线测试诊断化学智力与非智力的缺失,并利用个性化的专题练习进行强化训练。在搜索的国内学习网站中尚未见类似系统,即使是国外,类似的研究也较为罕见。因此,本研究对国内在线测试平台的建设以及学生化学非智力的发展具有重要的理论和实践指导价值。 A study on the development and application of the system of “Online testing and training about chemical non-intelligence factor of college entrance examination” ABSTRACT
Learning activities are made up of intelligence factor and non-intellectual factor, non-intellectual factor plays an important role in the development of intelligence factor, such as propulsion、persistence、aggrandizement、guidance and adjustment. In this research, for the first time, proposes the concept of “chemical non-intellectual factors”, which includes inattention、moderation、 emotion、attitude、writing of chemical terms、literal expression、chemical mapping and curve index. The study developed an online testing and communication platform, which called the system of “Online testing and training about Chemical Non-intelligence Factor Of college entrance examination”, and its test item bank on our own. And then it is tried to be applied in practice. The purpose of this system is to cultivate senior grade three students’ non-intellectual factors and improve the grade of chemistry college entrance examination. The main content of the article includes 6 aspects and 6 researches as below. The first part introduces the research background, research purposes, research significance, research idea and method, and also defined the relevant concepts. Under the trend of integration of information technology and chemistry curriculum, the study focus on the construction of a online testing and evaluation system and its applying in senior high school student in order to meet the need of the development of intelligence level has kept pace with the non-intellectual level. The study aims at cultivating students’ non-intellectual factors, reducing the unnecessary loss in test and improving the grade of the test. The second part includes the research at home and abroad and the structure and didactical direction theory of the system. Firstly, this part summarizes the development of non-intellectual factor and its application in education, the results show that: (1) The research contents were mainly abstract psychological factor; (2) Few studies related to the basic foundation subjects’ non-intellectual factor; (3) Previous studies showed that people took an excessive interest in theory and qualitative analysis, at the same time took no account of application research and quantitative analysis. Secondly, the author summarizes the construction of online testing system and its application, the results show that: (1) Lack of personalized learning style; (2) Hardly found online testing system was about chemistry; (3) There was no testing platform aiming at training students’ non-intellectual level; (4) Few systems can offer subjective item test to students; (5) Most of them lacked process assessment; (6) A majority of test results were rather simple. The third part is a prevalence investigation of chemical non-intellectual factors of students of science. In Study 1, examination was used to investigate the deficiency in chemical non-intellectual factors of different kinds of students of science, such as science students and intelligent science students in grade three of senior middle school、pre-service teacher. Statistics result showed that non-intellectual mistakes included impatient、illegible handwriting、moderation、give an irrelevant answer、set of thinking、ill-considered、an inexact mind、semantic ambiguous and so on. Besides, students found difficultly in resolving literal expression of chemical experiment operates、chemical mapping and organic chemical terms. The fourth part introduces the design and construction of this system and its test item bank. In study 2, interview techniques were adopted to investigate senior middle school teacher’s and students’ needs for the function of this system. According to the result of investigation and existing system resource, the function modules are confirmed. It has three core functions: test function, training function and exchanging function, corresponding to “Online Testing” 、“Training Camp” and “BBS”, respectively. And then, the interface、central function、personal function、data management are introduced in detail. At last, the online test item bank is designed on the basis of the source of test questions、filtered principia、group standard and types of test questions or test papers. So the system's software construction and the resource development are accomplished basically. The fifth part focuses on the application and evaluation of this system in high school teachers and students, and the learning effect of this system. In study 3, questionnaire was used to investigate the emotional attitudes and advices of the high school teachers. Research has revealed that a lot of teachers were very interested in this system, and the system was widely accepted by them. Besides, the system is a valuable tool for chemistry teaching. In Study 4 and 5, questionnaire was used to investigate the emotional attitudes and advices of the high school students, from the internet use patterns、habit of study、the demand for this system、behavior intention before use the system and attitude towards using、design of Web pages、function setup、learning effect and so on after use the system. The data analysis reveals that students from different schools、of different grades、with different and sex、of different levels and with different interests of chemistry differ in their choices. The results showed that:(1)Senior students in high school had very limited time and objective conditions to the Network.(2)Most students did not cultivate the attitude and the habit of good study chemistry.(3)A lot of students could not find a good way of improving their non-intelligence levels.(4)Over 90 percent of the students took a great interest in our website, and said they would use it if they could.(5)Students gave more concern on “Mistaken Question Collections” and “Training Camps”.(6)A great majority of the students found that our website can do the good assistance function, to cultivate their non-intellectual factors and improve their grades after they had a tryout.(7)A small number of students considered that the website had low working efficiency, but most of the students expected it to supply more and more testing contents for them. In Study 6, quasi-experimental research was used to investigate system’s learning effect. 30 students of science of senior three in a key The sixth part makes the conclusion that: (1) “Online testing and training about Chemical Non-intelligence Factor Of college entrance examination” and its test item bank are built successfully, and we are going to apply the patent. (2)The system is being affirmed by most middle school students and teachers. (3)This system can cultivate students’ non-intellectual factors and improve the test scores effectively, and available than traditional test methods. (4)Discusses the innovation of this research、limitations of the study and proposes suggestions for further research. In brief, the study has integrated the cultivation of non-intellectual factors、application of online testing system and the characteristics of chemistry for the first time. And it relying mainly on intellectual and non-intellectual education supplemented by learning exchange and resource sharing. Besides, the study has provided students and teachers with a new way to study and teach chemistry. Moreover, through the diagnostic test, students get command of the lacking chemical intellectual and non-intellectual, and the system provides individual practice to help students to do hard training. Such system has not been seen in the domestic websites. Even in foreign literatures there are few such cases. Therefore, it has important theoretical and actual value in the construction of domestic online testing platform and development of students’ chemical non-intellectual factors. |