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类型:原创来源:化学与教学资源研究所作者/推荐人:admin点击量:816839时间:2011年6月14日 13:37:36




摘 要    








调查研究2采用CKChemical Knowledge text)和SMV:Chem(同步可视化模拟软件)调查高中学生在学习新知识时对四种表征(宏符微曲)应用的先后顺序、重要性以及表征结合情况,以从学生角度思考表征转换问题。研究发现,(1)高中学生对于问题解决过程中的四种表征是有侧重的,题目提供的信息表征为主要表征,符号方程式表征为主要的问题解决表征,而其他两种表征作为辅助表征,并能初步建立两种表征之间的联系。(2)而对于新知识,高中生趋向于首先利用宏观表征去了解这一知识,符号表征作为辅助理解表征,数据图表和曲线的变化用来理解宏观现象出现变化的原因。这为四重表征教学模式中的表征转换环节设计提供了学生层面的认知基础。


以加涅的学习条件论和信息加工理论为理论指导,调查研究的结果作为参考,结合相关的文献建立三层次的四重表征教学模型,模型将教学过程分为三个层次,以此模型为基础建立以化学原理概念为教学内容的四重表征教学模式(Tetra-Representation Teaching ModelTRTM)。


实践研究1利用“化学平衡预测卷、前测卷ACEIT A)”和出声访谈了解高三学生对于以图像为载体的化学平衡抽象概念理解的困难和迷思,针对这些困难和迷思结合四重表征模型设计四重表征教学策略和环节,利用互动反馈系统得到即时反馈结果,课后利用“化学平衡后测卷BCEIT B)”进行实验班和控制班的前后测教学效果比较,以了解课堂教学效果、学生的概念理解和图像处理情况。研究发现:(1)高中学生在理解带有图像特征的抽象概念是存在迷思和困难的。这些迷思和困难包括两个层面:知识层面和图像层面;(2TRTM教学模式在概念知识的系统性、获取图像信息的深广度,多重表征转化、图像分类观,知识的曲线问题表征能力、多变量图像处理方法本质的理解(对问题的举一反三)以及图像绘制的理解和方法上,高于传统的教学模式。但在知识点的巩固和强化上由于习题练习的缺乏而略差于传统的习题教学模式。









"Chemical equilibrium "and "acid-base titration" are the core concepts in chemistry.“pHChemical equilibrium and Neutralization”are ranked No.10No.25 and No.25 in all the 100 keywords in chemistry.Chemistry concepts represented by the image of a curve in a high school. These concepts related to the principles of chemical reactions. It will greatly increase the complexity and abstraction while they are presentation with curve. These chemistry princlple concepts are the important and difficult knowledge in College Entrance Examination over the year , they put forward higher requirements on the ability of the information accessed graphical analysis and representation conversion between conceptual meaning and curve by the students.

Tetra-Representation is an unique thinking in chemistry, it can improve the chemical problem solving skills when the students understanding the chemical problems by four levels: Macro-micro-symbol-curve. This research was based on the learning conditions of Gagne, an effective multi-level TRTM was established for the first time. This model was aimed for the problem on these abstract principle concepts which were "Chemical reaction rateschemical equilibrium " "acid-base titration, ".Any different instructional program were devised based on the TRTM and applied on the key high school in GuangZhou to test the effectiveness of teaching by TRTM.

    The first part is Introduction. The problem discussed in this paper is what are the difficulties in knowledge and thinking when the students understanding the chemistry principle concepts , and if these difficulties can solved effectively by TRTM?

The second part is Literature Research. The researcher reviewed the domestic and foreign research progress of multiple representations and the situation of it used in the classroom, at the same time, this research finding out the situation of the chemistry concepts teaching in the research.

    The third part is Empirical Research.

    In Empirical Research 1, a questionnaire was devised by MAS (multi-dimensional analysis system) , investigated the chemistry teacher’s ability of “Marco-Micro-Symbol” representation and the conversion between them in the knowledge of "Chemical reaction rateschemical equilibrium ",and then, study analyzed the case to know how to use the Multiple representations thinking model into the classroom effectively from the teacher point of view. It found that teachers  had difficulties and problems at the level and conversion capability of multiple representations .The result of these difficulties and problems of the concepts representation will made the teachers teaching singled in classroom .

    In Empirical Research 2, it investigated the students how to use “Marco-Micro-Symbol-Curve” to learn the new knowledge, include the orderimportance and combination of these for representations. During the investigation, CKChemical Knowledge textand SMV:CHEM(Synchronized Multiple Visualizations of Chemistry)must be used. It found that in problem-solving process ,  is not as important as each of tetra-representation among the high school students .The major representation is the presentation of information with the subject, the major representation of problem solving is symbol.

The fourth part is Modeling.

    The teaching model of multiple representations was constructed on the results of empirical and literature research, which was based on the Gagne’s learning conditions and information processing theory.

The fifth part is Practice Research.

In Practice Research 1, “Chemical Equilibrium Image Test A (CEIT A)” and interview was used to test high school students’ the misunderstanding of chemical equilibrium. The Tetra - Representation thinking strategies for these misunderstanding. In the classroom, feedback system and synchronized micro simulate of chemistry were used. “Chemical Equilibrium Image Test B (CEIT B)” was used to test the teaching effect between experimental and control class after class. It found that:(i) The high school students had misunderstanding on learning the chemical abstract concepts with curve, it including two parts: concepts knowledge and curve treatment. (ii) The study results showed that the teaching effect of experimental and control groups were different, TRTM teaching is better than traditional teaching model at aspects as follows: the systemic of conceptual knowledgebreadth and depth of image information obtainedmultiple representations thinking graphics category curve representation of knowledge problemmulti-dimensional image processing and the ability of drawing shapes. But it is not better than TTM on deeply understanding of knowledge.

In Practice Research 2, based on the TRTM and POE(Predict - observe - explain)strategies, the curve of "acid-base titration"was drew by the handheld technology, at last, test volume and interview were used to find out the students’ knowledge level and their views on the teaching process. It found that TRTM had the same effect on different types of classroom, when the introduction and conversion of representation is changed at different methods and stages , TRTM is suitable for different class stype.

"Chemical reaction rateschemical equilibrium "and "acid-base titration" as research are closely related with curve representation, the study summarized the concepts knowledge and curve treatment misunderstanding of chemical abstract concepts in high school students, achieve the effectiveness of teaching by TRTM, Through this search, it can improve students’ thinking and ability on problem solving not only limited to problem itself. On the one hand,this research hope to supply any reference to chemistry teachers on teaching these abstract concepts, on the other hand,

It can provided some chemical teaching cases for the representation theory.

Key Words:learning conditions of Gagne; tetra-representation teaching model;keywords in chemistry; chemistry principle concepts; chemical equilibrium; acid-base titration; image understanding